To Track or Not to Track: Navigating Sleep Monitoring Devices

by Sep 30, 2023Relaxium Sleep, Sleep Tips, Wellness

Sep 30, 2023

Explore the pros and cons of using sleep monitoring devices in our comprehensive guide. Discover whether tracking your sleep with a device is the right choice for you and your overall well-being.

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, where the pace of daily existence seems to accelerate with each passing day, one aspect of our well-being often takes a backseat: sleep. The demands of work, social engagements, and the ever-present allure of digital screens have conspired to encroach upon our precious hours of rest. The result? A global sleep crisis that has left millions of individuals tossing and turning in the night, desperately searching for solutions to their sleeping problems.

Enter the era of sleep monitoring devices—sleek, technologically advanced gadgets designed to shed light on the enigmatic realm of our slumber. These devices promise to be our nocturnal companions, helping us better understand our sleep patterns, identify potential sleep disorders, and, ultimately, reclaim the rejuvenating powers of a good night’s sleep. But as with any technological advancement, this new frontier raises a critical question: to track or not to track?

Let’s break down sleep-monitoring devices

Sleep tracking devices are electronic gadgets or wearables designed to monitor and collect data related to an individual’s sleep patterns and habits. These devices utilize a variety of sensors and technologies to provide insights into the quality and duration of sleep. Some of the most common types of sleep-tracking devices include:

  • Wearable sleep trackers: These devices are typically worn on the wrist, like a watch or a wristband. They use accelerometers and sometimes additional sensors, such as heart rate monitors, to track movement and heart rate during sleep. Some well-known examples include Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple Watch.
  • Bedside sleep monitors: These devices are placed on or near the bed and do not require direct contact with the body. They often use advanced sensors like ballistocardiography (BCG) or under-the-mattress pressure sensors to detect movement, respiration rate, and heart rate. Examples include the Withings Sleep Analyzer and Sleep Number’s SleepIQ system.
  • Smart mattresses: Some companies offer mattresses with embedded sensors that monitor sleep patterns. These mattresses can detect body movements, and heart rate, and even adjust mattress firmness for optimal comfort. The data is then sent to a connected app for analysis.
  • Smartwatches: Many modern smartwatches, like those from Apple, Samsung, and Garmin, come equipped with sleep-tracking features. They use a combination of accelerometers and heart rate sensors to monitor sleep stages and duration.
  • Smart pillows: These are pillows with built-in sensors that monitor head movement and snoring. They can provide insights into sleep quality and recommend changes to improve sleep posture.
  • Apps: Sleep tracking apps can use the sensors built into smartphones to monitor sleep by analyzing movement and sound. While not as accurate as dedicated hardware, they can still provide valuable insights.


What do sleep monitoring devices track?

If choosing to use a sleep monitoring device, there are various aspects of sleep that are monitored, these include:

  • Sleep Duration: The total time spent asleep during a night.
  • Sleep Stages: Monitoring different sleep cycles, including light, deep, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
  • Sleep Efficiency: The percentage of time spent asleep while in bed.
  • Heart Rate: Tracking heart rate variations during sleep, which can indicate stress or other health issues.
  • Respiration Rate: Monitoring how often you breathe during sleep.
  • Sleep Score: Many devices and apps provide a single score or rating that summarizes the overall quality of your sleep.

The pros and cons of a sleep monitoring device

There are a number of pros and cons that come with this decision. Some of these include:


  • Improved awareness: Sleep trackers provide valuable insights into your sleep patterns, helping you understand the duration and quality of your sleep. This awareness can lead to better sleep hygiene and habits.
  • Identification of sleep disorders: Sleep trackers may detect potential sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or insomnia, by monitoring irregularities in your sleep patterns, like frequent awakenings or changes in breathing. 
  • Goal setting: Many sleep-tracking apps and devices allow you to set sleep goals, encouraging you to establish healthy sleep routines and achieve better sleep quality.
  • Data-driven decisions: With access to detailed sleep data, you can make informed lifestyle changes, such as adjusting your bedtime, modifying your sleep environment, or reducing stressors that impact sleep.
  • Sleep efficiency: Some devices calculate sleep efficiency, helping you understand how well you’re using your time in bed to achieve restorative sleep.
  • Motivation: The ability to track your sleep and see improvements can motivate you to prioritize and prioritize better sleep practices.
  • Comparative analysis: Some devices enable you to compare your sleep patterns to a broader user base, offering insights into how your sleep quality ranks compared to others of similar age and demographic.
set sleep goals


  • Accuracy: The accuracy of sleep trackers can vary significantly. Some devices may overestimate or underestimate sleep duration and stages, leading to inaccurate results.
  • Data overload: Excessive data can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety or obsession over sleep metrics, which may, ironically, negatively impact sleep quality.
  • Privacy concerns: Sleep data collected by these devices can be sensitive. There are concerns about data privacy and security, especially when data is stored in the cloud or shared with third parties.
  • Cost: High-quality sleep monitoring devices can be expensive, making them inaccessible to some individuals.
  • Battery drain: Continuous monitoring can consume a significant amount of battery life, especially for wearables, which may require frequent charging.
  • Sleep interruptions: Some people may find it challenging to sleep comfortably with a wearable device on their wrist or head, potentially leading to sleep interruptions.

If you struggle to sleep at night, consider Relaxium Sleep. Relaxium Sleep is a supplement designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed and alert. The use of a supplement like this can help to induce you into a state of sleep that can then be monitored.

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To track or not to track

Considering the importance of sleep, it is necessary that adequate amounts of it are had each day. The use of sleep-monitoring devices can be a great addition to the journey of achieving the best sleep. 

Relaxium offers a number of safe and effective supplements that aid in the categories of sleep, calm, focus, and immunity. Created by Clinical Neurologist, Dr. Eric Ciliberti, offers a 30-day Money Back Guarantee trial of Relaxium Sleep to allow our users to truly experience its effects. To try the product today visit our website for more information. 

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
