The Surprising Link Between Allergies and Sleep

by Apr 12, 2023Relaxium Sleep, Sleep Tips, Wellness

Apr 12, 2023

Allergies can wreak havoc on your sleep. Find out why and what you can do to alleviate the symptoms and get a good night’s sleep.

If you suffer from allergies, you know how frustrating it can be to try to get a good night’s sleep. Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms that can interfere with sleep, including congestion, sneezing, and itching. Sometimes, allergies can even get worse at night. In this blog, we will explore the connection between allergies and sleep and provide tips to help you alleviate your symptoms and get the rest you need.

Identifying common allergies that affect sleep

Allergies can have a real impact on the quality and quantity of sleep. There are various symptoms of allergies:

  • Nasal congestion: When dealing with allergies, the nasal passages can undergo feelings of inflammation, which makes breathing more difficult. The result of this can lead to snoring and mouth breathing which can lead to more serious sleep apnea. 
  • Itching and sneezing: Both of these can occur with allergies which can be very disruptive to sleep. Especially itching, this can disturb your sleep as well as make your allergies more inflamed and irritated. 
  • Asthma: Wheezing and coughing can happen which trigger symptoms of asthma. Asthma in turn makes it more difficult to breathe and get a peaceful sleep. 
  • Restless sleep: Disrupted sleep can occur and lead to daytime sleepiness and feelings of fatigue.

Relaxium offers a safe and effective sleep supplement called Relaxium Sleep. This supplement is designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and have you waking up feeling refreshed and alert. 

How to reduce allergens 

If you suffer from allergies there are changes you can do to make life easier. Implementing one or more of these steps can help to better your sleep schedule. These include:

  • Reducing allergens in your bedroom
  • Take medications to combat allergens
  • Make lifestyle changes for better sleep routine

Reducing allergens in your bedroom

If you suffer from allergies and are having trouble sleeping, there are several steps you can take to reduce allergens in your bedroom. 

  • Wash bedding with hot water: Washing bedding such as sheets, pillowcases, and blankets in hot water once a week helps to get rid of dust mites. 
  • Use dust-proof covers: Dust-proof covers meant for the mattress, pillows, and box spring helps to reduce the presence of dust mites. They keep dust mites from entering the bedding, minimizing allergens that can disrupt sleep. 
  • Vacuum your bedroom regularly: By vacuuming regularly, allergen particles are picked up. Vacuums with HEPA filters help to trap allergen particles. Make sure to get all floors, rugs, and furniture. 
  • Keep your bedroom dry: Dust mites thrive in warm and humid weather. Utilize a de-humidifier to make it more difficult for them to thrive. 
  • Remove and replace carpeting if necessary: Carpets trap allergens. These include dust mites, pollen, and even pet dander. If you are struggling with allergies, consider removing and replacing the carpet with hardwood or tile. 
  • Minimize clutter in your bedroom: Clutter makes it difficult to clean, not to mention clutter helps to collect dust and allergens. Keep your bedroom clean of this to avoid allergens. 
  • Keep your pets out: Pet dander is an allergen that many must deal with. Pet dander can collect on furniture, bedding, and carpets. If possible, keep pets out of the bedroom. 

All of these are important because your bedroom is where you sleep the most. When these changes are made, the quality of sleep is significantly improved. By taking these steps, you can create a more allergy-friendly environment and get a better night’s sleep.

reduce allergens in your bedroom

Take medication to combat allergies

There are several medications and treatments available to alleviate allergy-related sleep issues. Antihistamines can help reduce allergy symptoms and improve sleep quality. Nasal corticosteroids can also be effective in reducing inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages. 

Immunotherapy is a popular form of treatment for allergies. Immunotherapy is a medical treatment that helps to gradually desensitize the immune system to certain allergens. Small amounts of an allergen are injected over a period of time. The overall goal is to train the immune system to react less heavily to the allergen. In some cases, the symptoms of the allergen are completely eliminated. 

There are two different kinds of immunotherapy:

  1. Subcutaneous immunotherapy: This form of immunotherapy is where injections of the allergen are injected under the skin.
  2. Sublingual immunotherapy: This form of immunotherapy is when a tablet or liquid is placed under the tongue. 
immunotherapy helps to desensitize the immune system to allergens

Immunotherapy is customized to specific allergies and symptoms. Both forms of immunotherapy are effective. 

Make lifestyle changes to better sleep routine

To reiterate what was stated above, keeping your bedroom free from dust mites by vacuuming, regularly washing, and sometimes replacing the carpet can help to make a better sleep routine. A few more to consider are:

  • Keeping windows shut: By keeping windows shut, pollen will not be able to access and pollute the room, keeping you from proper sleep due to allergens. 
  • Falling asleep and waking up at the same time each day: By waking up and falling asleep at the same time each day, a healthy sleep routine is developed. This will help to regulate the circadian rhythm, getting you the proper amount of sleep needed. 
  • Limiting screen time: Technology before bed hinders a good sleep schedule. The blue light emitted by technology stimulates the brain, making it much harder to fall asleep. The best rule of thumb is to avoid the use of technology at least 30 minutes before bed. 
  • Engage in relaxing activities before bedtime: Utilizing relaxing activities before bed rather than technology will help to promote better relaxation which in turn will help sleep. These kinds of activities include: reading a book, taking a warm bath, doing a puzzle, etc. 

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With the changing seasons, allergies are bound to come

No matter the season, allergies arise. This blog provides some of the best practices to best sleep. Don’t let allergens ruin your relaxation. 

Relaxium offers a number of safe and effective supplements that aid in the categories of sleep, calm, focus, and immunity. Created by clinical neurologist and sleep expert, Dr. Eric Ciliberti, offers a 30-day Money Back Guarantee trial of Relaxium Sleep to allow our users to truly experience its effects. To try a Relaxium or one of our Relaxium products today visit our website for more information. 

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
