The Best Tips for Sleeping Comfortably on a Plane

by Sep 13, 2023Relaxium Sleep, Sleep Tips, Wellness

Sep 13, 2023

Discover expert advice and practical strategies for catching quality Zzz’s while flying. Our guide to sleeping comfortably on a plane will make your next journey a restful one. Say goodbye to jet lag and hello to in-flight relaxation!

While the thrill of exploration and the promise of new experiences can be exhilarating, the challenge of getting a good night’s sleep on a plane remains a constant struggle for many. It’s the age-old question that plagues frequent flyers and occasional vacationers alike: How can one achieve a state of slumber amidst the turbulence, cabin lights, and bustling atmosphere of an aircraft?

The quest for comfortable in-flight sleep has led travelers to experiment with an array of strategies, from neck pillows and eye masks to white noise apps and the strategic use of in-flight amenities. In our modern, interconnected world, where international travel has become increasingly accessible, the ability to conquer jet lag and arrive at your destination well-rested is more important than ever.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time flier, we’ll explore a treasure trove of tried-and-true techniques, insider hacks, and innovative solutions to help you make the most of your airborne hours.

The difficulties of sleeping on a plane

Sleeping on a plane can be a challenging endeavor. There are several reasons for this which include:

  • Limited space: Obviously, when on a plane, space is limited. Airplane seats are designed only for comfort during takeoff and landing. Passengers often find themselves contorted in awkward positions, struggling to find a comfortable posture fit for rest. 
  • Cabin noise: Aircraft cabins can be noisy. With the engine humming, the chatter of other passengers, and the clattering of food carts, it can be hard to get comfortable, making deep peaceful sleep more difficult. 
  • Cabin lighting: Cabin lighting is typically dimmed during rest periods, but never completely dark. The presence of light can interfere with the natural sleep-wake cycle of the body, making it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. 
  • Seat comfort: Depending on where in the plane you are, economy versus first class, there is a variation of seat room and comfort. This can make it hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. 
  • Temperature variations: Aircraft cabins tend to have unpredictable temperature fluctuations. Having the ideal sleeping temperature can be difficult as blankets may be thin or simply not offered. 
  • Jet lag: Long flights across time zones can cause jet lag. When trying to sleep at a time that doesn’t align with your body’s natural circadian rhythm, sleep patterns can be disrupted. 
  • Turbulence: Turbulence can jolt passengers awake, preventing them from falling asleep. Not to mention the anxiety that can come from this, further hindering sleep. 
  • Anxiety and stress: For some, flying can create real anxiety or stress. This can make the ability to fall asleep very challenging. Not to mention simply being in an unfamiliar environment causing feelings of discomfort. 
presence of light

Tips for sleeping comfortably on a plane

There are many different ways to influence feelings of comfort while traveling on a plane. Follow these tips for better rest on your journey.

  • Choose the right seat
  • Use a travel pillow
  • Bring an eye mask and earplugs
  • Dress comfortably
  • Stay hydrated
  • Practice relaxation techniques
  • Adjust your schedule
  • Medications and supplements
  • Noise-canceling headphones
  • Avoid heavy meals

Choose the right seat

Seat selection can make or break the comfort you feel while flying. If possible, choose a window seat, this will provide a surface to lean against, minimizing disturbances. Seats in exit rows and bulkhead seats can also offer more legroom. 

Use a travel pillow

Invest in a travel pillow that supports both your neck and head. Neck pillows or memory foam pillows are designed for travel, so they may provide significant comfort. 

travel pillow

Bring an eye mask and earplugs

With an eye mask and earplugs, you are able to block out light and noise. Being that one of the troubles of flying can be light and sound, these are perfect.

Dress comfortably

No need for a fashion show at the airport; wear loose, breathable clothing, and consider dressing in layers to adapt better to changing cabin temperatures. Avoid tight-fitting or restrictive attire as these are not the most comfortable for long amounts of travel. 

Stay hydrated

Make sure to drink plenty of water to combat the dehydrating effects that flying can have. Dehydration can create discomfort, which can disrupt sleep. 

Practice relaxation techniques

Being that it can be difficult to sleep on planes due to external factors and even mental worries, practicing relaxation techniques can make all the difference. Utilize techniques like deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind and body. 

Adjust your schedule

If you know you are traveling somewhere in a different time zone, try to adjust your sleep schedule accordingly. This can help to reduce the effects of jet lag. 

Medications and supplements

If you feel large amounts of anxiety when flying, you may want to consult with a healthcare professional. In other cases where you need some extra help falling asleep, a sleep supplement can be just what you need. 

Here at Relaxium, we have a sleep supplement called Relaxium Sleep. Relaxium Sleep is designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more refreshed and alert. Consider the use of an effective supplement like ours the next time you book a long flight. 

Noise-canceling headphones

Noise-canceling headphones can be perfect for blocking out ambient noise, creating a more peaceful environment for sleeping. 

Avoid heavy meals

Be sure to avoid consuming heavy meals before or during a flight. This will help to prevent indigestion and discomfort. 

14 night trial

Attain the best sleep; even in the sky!

Though sleeping on a plane is not the simplest thing to do for everyone, there are always options to make this process easier. We hope this list has given you some helpful tips for your next trip!

Relaxium offers a number of safe and effective supplements that aid in the categories of sleep, calm, focus, and immunity. Created by Clinical Neurologist, Dr. Eric Ciliberti, offers a 30-day Money Back Guarantee trial of Relaxium Sleep to allow our users to truly experience its effects. To try the product today visit our website for more information. 

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
