Sleeping Beauty Syndrome: The Rare Condition of Excessive Sleep

by Jul 19, 2023Relaxium Sleep, Sleep Tips, Wellness

Jul 19, 2023

Explore the intriguing world of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, a rare condition characterized by excessive sleep. Uncover the mysteries behind this fascinating disorder as we delve into its causes, symptoms, and impact on daily life. Discover the latest research and treatment options available for those affected by this condition. 

Out of the many sleep disorders, there exists a fascinating and perplexing condition called “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome.” While the tale of sleeping beauty portrays an enchanted princess in eternal repose, this real-life affliction presents a unique and challenging reality for those affected. 

This disorder has captivated the curiosity of medical professionals and researchers alike, as they strive to unravel the enigma and bring wakefulness back to those trapped in their own dreams. Keep reading to learn the intricacies of this sleep disorder and how they affect those who possess it. 

What is Sleeping Beauty Syndrome?

Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, also known as Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS), is a rare neurological disorder that is characterized by recurrent episodes of excessive sleep and altered behavior. 

What happens to a person with Sleeping Beauty Syndrome?

Those who experience this condition, which is often referred to as “episodes” or “episodic spells,” will sleep for abnormally long durations; ranging from several days to weeks at a time. 

Typically, during these episodes, an individual will sleep for up to 20 hours or more. They will only wake up to eat and use the bathroom. When they finally do awake, they will display a range of cognitive and behavioral abnormalities. These can include:

  • Confusion 
  • Disorientation 
  • Irritability 
  • Decreased ability to think clearly 

Sometimes, a person may even exhibit signs of hyperphagia which is a condition where a person excessively eats and has an insatiable appetite. 

A person with Sleeping Beauty Syndrome may also experience:

  • Distorted perception of time
  • Hallucinations
  • Hypersensitivity to light and noise 
  • An overwhelming sense of fatigue after extended periods of sleep

What causes Sleeping Beauty Syndrome?

The direct cause of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, or KLS remains unknown but researchers think that it may involve a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors. These factors include:

  • Neurological abnormalities: It has been said that those who experience KLS may result from abnormalities or dysfunction in certain areas of the brain, specifically the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus possesses a crucial role in the regulation of sleep, appetite, and body temperature. Any disruptions in its functioning can result in excessive sleep episodes. 
  • Viral infections: KLS in some cases, has even been known to be associated with viral infections like the flu or the herpes simplex virus. Speculation has led to the conclusion that these infections may possibly trigger an abnormal immune response that can affect the brain, leading to the symptoms one experiences with Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. 
  • Autoimmune responses: KLS has been linked to other autoimmune disorders where the immune system accidentally attacks healthy cells and tissues. It is hypothesized that an autoimmune reaction may occur, which targets specific brain structures involved in sleep regulation. 
  • Genetic factors: Some evidence suggests that there could be a genetic component in KLS. Some studies have found that certain gene mutations or variations could potentially increase the susceptibility of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. 
  • Environmental triggers: Environmental factors such as stress, physical exertion, or sleep deprivation have been reported to trigger or precede KLS episodes for some individuals. These factors can interact with underlying predispositions which leads to the manifestation of symptoms. 
viral infections

How could you potentially prevent Sleeping Beauty Syndrome?

While prolonged sleep can sound fantastic to those who struggle to sleep, those that live with Sleeping Beauty Syndrome often miss out on significant portions of their lives during episodes. Daily life such as:

  • Education 
  • Work/ Employment
  • Personal relationships 

Routine is especially difficult to attain when suffering from Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. 

It is unfortunate but as of now, there are no known methods to prevent Sleeping Beauty Syndrome or Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) entirely. Though there are no certain cures yet, there are general lifestyle practices that can help to promote overall sleep health and potentially reduce the severity or even frequency of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. 

  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule
  • Practice good sleep hygiene 
  • Manage stress
  • Prioritize overall health and well-being

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule

Though it can be difficult, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is beneficial for so many reasons. In the case of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can help to regulate the body’s internal clock, aka the circadian rhythm; which will help to promote healthier sleep patterns. 

Try going to bed and waking up at the same time each day (including weekends). This will help to improve sleep quality and reduce the likelihood of disruptions. 

If you are struggling to fall asleep at night to do this, consider Relaxium Sleep. Relaxium Sleep is a natural and effective sleep supplement designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and have you waking up feeling refreshed and alert. 

Practice good sleep hygiene

Good sleep hygiene is adopting habits that contribute to better overall sleep health. Examples of this include:

  • Creating a sleep-friendly environment 
  • Avoiding stimulating activities before bedtime
  • Limiting exposure to electronics before bed
  • Engaging in relaxation techniques 
sleep hygiene

Manage stress

We explained that lifestyle, including high levels of stress, can be a trigger of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. With this in mind, take the time to manage stress. Find healthy ways to manage stress by doing things like:

  • Exercising 
  • Being more mindful 
  • Going to therapy 
  • Engaging in activities you enjoy

Prioritize overall health and well-being

Maintain your overall health and well-being by living a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, eat a balanced diet, and avoid excessive amounts of alcohol or substance use. All of this contributes to better overall health which can make sleep easier. 

14 night trial

Nevermind a kiss, let’s work on getting the right amounts of sleep

Though it can be discouraging since this sleep disorder is unlike most, being aware and making changes to improve your life can make all of the difference. 

Relaxium offers a number of safe and effective supplements that aid in the categories of sleep, calm, focus, and immunity. Created by Clinical Neurologist, Dr. Eric Ciliberti, offers a 30-day Money Back Guarantee trial of Relaxium Sleep to allow our users to truly experience its effects. To try the product today visit our website for more information. 

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
