Exploring the Negative Effects of Technology

by Mar 17, 2023Relaxium Sleep, Sleep Tips, Wellness

Mar 17, 2023

Technology has become ingrained in our society. At this point, everyone owns some form of it. With that said due to its evolution, many use technology for almost everything. Right now you are using technology when reading this. While technology can be overwhelmingly innovative and successful, there can be negative effects on your daily life. 

Technology has set a precedent of “anything you want you can have.” You can shop, talk, access music and games, movies; you can have near whatever you please with technology. 

While this sentiment is extremely helpful at times, it can get addicting. Before, everyone would go to the grocery store or a retail outfit. Now curbside exists, as well as online shopping. Technology has made it so you rarely even have to leave the house if you don’t want to. 

This is convenient, but at what cost is it too much? Technology at this point has been around for so long and now we are starting to see the negative results from too much use. 

The overuse of technology can lead to:

  • Disrupted sleep patterns 
  • Lack of concentration/focus 
  • Lack of socialization
  • Increase in mental health problems

With this said, this does not mean that all technology is damaging. It depends on the frequency of use. If you are already able to separate yourself often from your devices you are ahead of the game. If you are noticing issues such as lack of sleep, or lack of focus, this may be a factor. 

Allow us to walk you through the negatives of the overuse of technology.  

Disrupted sleep patterns

We will never stop telling you that sleep is important. We need it for so many reasons. 

  • Its ability to help the function of the immune system
  • Its role with mood
  • Its ability to decrease levels of stress
  • Its role of undergoing digestion
  • The decrease in risk of serious disease 

When technology is used before bed, it can provide a sort of distraction. Apps on mobile devices are designed for the user to become addicted to the constant scroll. There are always ways to be entertained with technology. 

The pure need to be entertained whenever can lead to the assumption that if you play on your phone long enough you’ll fall asleep. This really isn’t the case. 

On average it takes a person 15-20 minutes to fall asleep. The brain is stimulated when using technology, which makes falling asleep much more difficult. Around 30 minutes before bed your technology should be out of your hands and out of sight.

This can be difficult but there are some ways to do this:

  • Create a room specifically for technology. This will ensure all devices are adequalrey charged and there will be no distractions when trying to sleep.  
  • Pick specific times for “screen time.” Once you have done this, stick with the time frames. 
  • Consider other things to stimulate the mind in efforts to fall asleep such as reading, light exercise, or even doing a puzzle. 
  • Invest in a white noise machine, or turn on a fan. 

If you are still struggling to sleep, consider a drug-free, non-habit-forming supplement like Relaxium Sleep. This supplement was created to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more refreshed and alert. 

It takes 15-20 minutes to fall asleep.

Lack of concentration/focus

Children growing up in an age of technology are susceptible to the power technology can have on focus. Studies have been performed that have studied the linkage between children who have high amounts of screen time who are then diagnosed with ADHD. 

To sum up the findings, there were results that made it possible to assume that adolescents who frequently use digital media can be associated with “the development of ADHD symptoms.” 

Again, it’s the consistent access to entertainment. When you start to get into a pattern of getting whatever you want when you want it, focus and concentration can be affected. 

If you are looking for an added boost that can help with focus, consider Relaxium’s Relaxium Focus Max. It is a supplement designed to promote sharper focus, boost brain performance, and supply vital nutrients to the body. 

Lack of socialization

With the era of the past pandemic, technology came in handy. We weren’t advised to be around others so we had to turn to technology. 

At this point, we are lucky that the pandemic has subsided so much so that people are able to get out and do things again. Though some still choose not to. It can be easy to sit around and talk to people from the convenience of our homes but it is good for the mind and body to get out and see others. 

Being social helps memory, cognitive skills, and mood. Us humans crave interactions!

Social media can affect mental health.

Increase in mental health problems

In the age of social media, everyone is able to put forth their best selves. Often you will not see an imperfect picture. This can lead to the comparison of others; from there mental health can be affected. 

Standards can be met in the social media world that everyone should be going out and having fun; going on vacations and posting about new jobs. While these are all good things, some can look at things like this and wonder why they aren’t able to achieve those same things. 

Self doubt can then come to play and that can be very damaging for mental health. If you start to feel this way, consider putting the phone away or even detox from social media altogether. Everyone needs a break from time to time, and everyone is different. Try your best to not compare yourself! 

Use promo code SLEEPBLG28.

In an ever-changing world one thing remains, we all need a break

Only use technology when necessary and when you know it won’t cause distractions. The invention of technology gave us many great things and with that we just need to remember reality. We didn’t always have access to things like this so by no means do we need it. 

We hope this has given you something to think about moving forward!

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



