3 Surprising Benefits of Melatonin

by Mar 20, 2024Relaxium Sleep, Sleep Tips, Wellness

Mar 20, 2024

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in a tiny endocrine gland that is located in the center of the brain. It was first isolated in 1958 by a physician, Aaron B. Lerner, and his colleagues at Yale University School of Medicine. Melatonin plays an important role in the regulation of sleep cycles (circadian rhythms). The production of melatonin is influenced by the detection of light and dark by the retina of the eye. Special cells in the retina send signals about light to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the brain. These signals are transmitted to the tiny endocrine gland, the pineal gland. The creation of melatonin in the pineal gland induces changes in the body that decrease body temperature and heart rate. During the day, melatonin levels are low because the retina detects large amounts of light. The body can produce enough melatonin for general needs. However, evidence has proven that melatonin supplements promote sleep and are safe for short-term use. It can be used to treat delayed sleep phase and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. 

Fun Facts 

Blue Light is Melatonin’s Biggest Threat 

The absence of light triggers your body to produce melatonin which will make you sleepy. Normally, your pineal gland releases melatonin a few hours before you go to sleep. However, the presence of light triggers the opposite effect and reduces the production of melatonin, and makes you feel awake. When blue light is present before you fall asleep, it can cause a delay in falling asleep. While blue light reduces the creation and distribution of melatonin in the brain while the blue light is being used, it can also continue to decrease melatonin for a while after the blue light has been taken away. This can cause a disruption in rapid eye movement (REM) cycles. When blue light exposure occurs before bed, it shortens the REM cycles which results in poor sleep and feeling tired the next day. Studies show that those with more exposure to light, at later hours, experience more awakenings during their sleep cycle than those without. The same research also shows that exposure to intense daylight during the day can lead to an earlier bedtime and improved sleep quality. Shorter exposure to light increases the duration of sleep and vice-versa. In particular, blue light at night through smartphones, televisions, and laptops is extremely disruptive. Get the sleep you deserve and say goodnight to your blue light devices!

Research was conducted on the data on melatonin use that was collected by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 1999 and 2018. More than 55,000 adults aged 20 and older reported their dietary supplement use to the survey during those two decades. After that was collected, supplement containers were verified during in-home interviews for 94% of the participants. The use of Melatonin as a sleep agent has increased over the years. In 1999-2000, the usage of Melatonin was .4% of survey respondents. In 2017- 2018, it increased to 2.1%. This trend was similar between men and women and across multiple age groups. 

The Benefits 

Protects Against Age-Related Damage

Melatonin supplements have been shown as a multitasking molecule capable of reducing several processes related to aging such as the off-balance of an individual’s circadian rhythm, stress, and heart complications. Melatonin’s antioxidant effects may help alleviate oxidative stress and safeguard cells from harm, essentially working against the aging process. In addition, melatonin regulates inflammation, mitochondrial function, and the immune system which all play a role in aging. It may also aid in producing other hormones which are essential for tissue repair and regeneration.

Helps with Immune Function 

The white blood cells in the body have melatonin receptors. White blood cells are the main component of the body’s immune system. Melatonin is a factor in “turning on” the activity of T-cells (a special type of white blood cells). 


Powerful Antioxidant Effect 

Melatonin is a special kind of “clean antioxidant” which means that it can protect cells without triggering the production of free radicals. This is important for immune cells, including phagocyte cells. These are specific immune cells that fight against pathogens and melatonin helps to optimize them. 

14 day trial


Relaxium uses a synergistic blend of ingredients. In this blend, one of the components is 5 mg of melatonin. This amount was chosen because it is just enough to trigger the body’s sleep cycle, but not too much that it leaves an individual feeling groggy the next day. 

At Relaxium, we have a simple mission – to create affordable, safe, and effective supplements. Through extensive research, we created four life-enhancing supplements: Relaxium Sleep, Relaxium Calm, Relaxium Immune Defense, and Relaxium Focus Max. We use a perfect synergistic blend of ingredients in our products to ensure results. If you are interested in trying our Relaxium products, click here for more information!

To restful and healthy days ahead,

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Juvenile hormone | Insect Metamorphosis, Endocrine Regulation & Pheromones | Britannica

A Scientific Look Into the Effects of Blue Light on Sleep | CPAP.com Blog

Use of melatonin supplements rising among adults | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Melatonin as an Anti-Aging Therapy for Age-Related Cardiovascular and Neurodegenerative Diseases – PMC (nih.gov)

Melatonin for Anti-Aging: Is It Effective? (healthline.com)

TryRelaxium | Features of Our All Drug-Free Ingredients