How to Prevent Back Pain and Its Effect On Sleep

by Mar 16, 2023Pain Tips, Relaxium Sleep, Sleep Tips, Wellness

Mar 16, 2023

Back pain is one of the most common discomforts people go through. The pain associated with this can have quite an effect on the quality of sleep. If left untreated, health problems are more inclined to follow. There are ways to prevent back pain in your lower and upper back, such as changing your sleeping position. Continue reading to see more about what you can do to prevent your pain!

Here at Relaxium, we prioritize relaxation; a large factor of relaxation is sleep. We need 8 hours of sleep a day for so many reasons. 

  • Energy 
  • Mood
  • Immunity 
  • Focus
  • Lowers risk of disease
  • Reduce stress

Back pain can interfere with sleep. This interference can lead to sleep disorders, most commonly insomnia. 

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person will struggle to fall asleep. In the case of being woken up, it is very difficult for the person to fall back asleep. This in turn affects energy and sleep habits. Often, a person suffering from insomnia will feel sluggish and tired throughout the day, affecting their livelihood. 

Different types of back pain

Considering types, we will list three of the most common types of back pain:

  1. Acute: This occurs when back pain happens suddenly. It will typically last a few days to a few weeks.
  2. Subacute: Typically happens suddenly and lasts longer than acute; usually around 4 to 12 weeks.
  3. Chronic: Can be sudden or can come slowly. Occurs daily and lasts longer than 12 weeks.

Pinpointing the type of back pain you may be feeling can offer a great starting point. The treatment for chronic back pain is treated differently than less severe; such as acute back pain. 

Determining the area from which the pain comes is also important. Lower back pain versus higher back pain. 

Lower back pain is extremely common and is known to affect sleeping patterns. The National Institute of Health created multiple studies aimed at tracking the data that linked lower back pain to sleep disturbance.

According to the results, “The estimated prevalence of sleep disturbance was 58.7%…” Thus explaining that a large number of people with lower back pain were susceptible to sleep disturbances. 

National Institute of Health studies

How can I help my sleep patterns when I have back pain?

Luckily there are some ways to help lessen the strain that back pain has on sleep. Some options to try are:

  • Try out different sleeping positions
  • Work on posture during the day
  • Exercise back muscles
  • Utilize heat 
  • Stretch

All of these options will be explained further. Keep in mind that varying in severity, these tips may be something to implement into your everyday schedule. 

Trying out a new sleeping position

The position you fall asleep in can have a great impact on whether or not you wake up in pain. For example, lying on your stomach is not optimal when dealing with pain. 

When sleeping on the stomach, the body puts more pressure on the spine. Along with the fact that you need to turn your neck which can also lead to back pains. 

So what positions should you try?

  • Lying in a reclined position: This will help to open your spinal vertebrae which helps to prevent the spine from curving backward.
  • Sleeping on your side with a pillow supporting the knees: This position helps to keep the spine aligned. 
  • Lie flat on your back with a pillow under the knees: This position is one of the most optimal. Lying flat on your back helps reduce strain on both the back and the neck. 
  • Lie in the fetal position: This can help to relieve pressure or pinching pain. 

Consider making these changes when going to sleep and see how it may help! If trying out a new sleeping position you are not used to and you are struggling to fall asleep, try out Relaxium Sleep. This drug-free, non-habit-forming supplement was designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more refreshed and alert. 

Work on posture

Posture is everything. Everything is aligned which prevents stress on ligaments and joints. The muscles are able to work much better when in the correct posture. 

How can you fix your posture? Try standing up straight and tall. Keep your shoulders back, and keep your head level. You can go as far as trying to always keep your feet shoulder-width apart and trying to keep your weight in the balls of the feet. Trying to make note of this and implementing it will help improve your posture. 


Exercising helps in a lot of aspects. When you regularly exercise, the ligaments and tendons remain flexible in the body. This helps to prevent injuries. 

When exercising the back, specifically the lower back, not only will it be strengthened, but so will the stomach and leg muscles. This is what helps to support your spine. Working out can help improve posture as well which can help knock out some more back pain. 

Not to mention it will tire you out so if you are trying a new sleeping position and are struggling to fall asleep, exercise could be great for you. 

Exercising the back

Utilize heat

Heat is a great way to help the soreness. Heating pads are a great tool that can help increase the blood flow in the back which helps with pain. The muscles are able to relax which makes it that much easier to move. 

Heat is often used for cramps which can also be helpful in these instances. If you need some extra help, utilize a heating blanket or pad. Always be careful to never leave your heating pad unattended while or while sleeping!


Stretching is a great way to loosen up the muscles in the body. When you stretch the muscles are lengthened and relaxed. 

Full body stretches help relieve tension which can be holding in your pain. 

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Prevent back pain by making some adjustments

You need your sleep. For all parts of the body to function well they need to be properly rested. That is why we can’t be having back pain waking you up in the middle of the night! Making some of these minor adjustments may prove to be just what you need to help relieve yourself of pain.

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
