How Your Sleep Changes During the Summer

How Your Sleep Changes During the Summer

Summer is full of exciting things. There are more vacations, graduations, days are longer, and the weather can cause an increase in positive mood. However, summer can cause a disruption in our sleep. Here are some of the reasons why: Longer Daylight  Your body...
How Hops Can Help You Drift Off to Sleep

How Hops Can Help You Drift Off to Sleep

Hops are well known for being in beer. However, hops aren’t just for the beer lovers anymore. They can be used to get a better rest. So what are hops? Hops are the green, cone-shaped flower of the female hop plants (scientifically known as Humulus lupulus). A variety...
3 Reasons Why You Need to Improve Your Sleep Quality

3 Reasons Why You Need to Improve Your Sleep Quality

The quality of your sleep ensures that you get the essential physical, mental, and emotional benefits from your sleep. Sleep quality is based off of four qualities: Sleep Latency: how long it takes you to fall asleep Awakenings: the number of times you wake up during...
Why Valerian Has Been a Trusted Sleep Aid for Centuries

Why Valerian Has Been a Trusted Sleep Aid for Centuries

Valerian is an herb native to Great Britian, Europe and parts of Asia. It has become naturalized to North America. It grows three to five feet tall and has feather shaped leaves. Valerian comes from the root word valere which means “be well” in latin. Valerian was...
5 Reasons to Use Melatonin this Summer

5 Reasons to Use Melatonin this Summer

Melatonin is a hormone produced by a tiny endocrine gland in the center of the brain. In 1958, physician Aaron B. Lerner and his colleagues at Yale University School of Medicine were the first to isolate melatonin. This hormone plays a crucial role in keeping sleep...
Exploring the Inflammation-Sleep Connection

Exploring the Inflammation-Sleep Connection

Inflammation is a natural, protective biological response from the immune system to fight off harmful foreign pathogens (bacteria, viruses, toxins) that cause illness and disease. It is also your body’s way to heal from injury. But did you know there is an...