What You Need To Know About The World’s Most Popular Drug, Caffeine

by Feb 3, 2023Uncategorized

Feb 3, 2023

Thousands of products contain caffeine. Many consume large amounts of caffeine every day. Whether that be for its effects, or just because you enjoy the taste, we all do it. Something that needs to be considered though is the amount consumed each day. What some people are not aware of is the damaging effects caffeine can have on the body if consumed in great amounts. Allow us to explain.

Coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, chocolate, and expresso, all of these contain caffeine. These are just a list of some of the most common products with high levels of caffeine that many people consume daily. We are not telling you to stop consuming these products, just consider how much. 

The history of caffeine 

Caffeine was discovered in 1819. Its first use in history was through the use of medicinal and recreational drugs. It is a chemical found in certain plants. 

Some of its earliest uses of the very popular beverage coffee were recorded in the 16th century. Europe referred to it as “Arabian wine.” The first coffee houses were opened in Constantinople and Venice. The first coffee house in Britain opened in London in 1652. Just like how we use coffee shops as a place to sit and sometimes talk, Europeans had the same idea. 

German scientist, Fredrich Ferdinand Runge was the first to extract caffeine from cocoa beans. There are many different ways to extract coffee. This is how we have the differentiation between decaffeinated and caffeinated. 

  • Water extraction
  • Supercritical Carbon Dioxide extraction (indirect)
  • Supercritical Carbon Dioxide extraction (direct)
  • Extraction by organic solvents

Why did Caffeine become so popular?

Caffeine became popular for the same reasons you most likely consume it now; its ability to provide energy. 

A quick history refresh for you; coffee wasn’t actually too popular in America until the Boston Tea Party. It became a patriotic thing to switch from drinking tea to drinking coffee. During the Civil War and other conflicts, soldiers relied on coffee for that extra energy boost. 

The 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt was a big coffee drinker. He was rumored to consume a gallon of coffee a day. Years later we had an increase in demand for coffee. The first Starbucks was opened in Seattle in 1971. Coffee became a beverage that came with culture; having a background like wine.

Then of course we had the creation of energy drinks. For those who do not enjoy the taste of coffee, now we have other sugary flavors with a variety of options; all containing large amounts of caffeine. 

The National Institute of Health published that the first energy drink made in the U.S. took place in 1949. The beverage was called “Dr. Enuf.” The very popular Red Bull came to the markets in 1997.  Since its presentation to the market, millions of Americans consume these energy drinks. Statistica reported that “U.S. sales of energy drinks amounted to approximately 1.47 billion units for the 13 weeks ended on January 1, 2022. 

Why Caffeine isn’t always good for you

Even though it is an ingredient that can be found in many things, too much caffeine can be a health risk. A lot of these risks depend on genes, but if you notice having any negative symptoms after too much caffeine you should consider an alternative. 

Here is a list of negative effects too much caffeine can have on the body:

  • Risk of insomnia: Due to its capabilities of providing energy, too much caffeine, especially in the evening can have an effect on your quality of sleep. Caffeine stays present in the body for hours; even after 6 hours, half of the amount of caffeine you consumed stays in the body.
  • Risk of anxiety: Caffeine creates a sense of alertness. Due to this a negative feeling of anxiousness can be prone to large amounts of caffeine. There is such a thing as a caffeine-induced anxiety disorder.
  • Increase in high blood pressure: Those at risk of high blood pressure should never consume large amounts of caffeine. Though caffeine’s effect is temporary, regular caffeine intake can be linked to increased levels of high blood pressure. 
  • Risk of caffeine addiction: Yes it is true, that is why we called caffeine a drug. Consistent consumption of coffee leads to reliance which can lead to addiction. This may come as no surprise considering in our culture we have the phrase “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee.”
  • Increase in heart rate: Caffeine has a stimulatory effect. This can have an effect on your heart rate. Large amounts of caffeine have been found to lead to altered heartbeat rhythm, known as atrial fibrillation.

Alternatives to Caffeine

While we did say you do not need to entirely give up caffeine, these options may offer a crutch for you if you are craving that every boost. The options we are about to list may just be what you need. 

  • Peppermint tea: the smell and consumption of peppermint has been known to come with some natural energy-boosting properties. 
  • Chai Tea: Chai tea does contain caffeine, but not nearly as much as coffee.
  • Cold showers: Cold showers have been shown to significantly help in the process of waking up in the morning.
  • Energy-boosting smoothies: There are ingredients that you can add to your smoothies that can help boost your drowsiness to the side. Consider adding ingredients like coconut, MCT oil, sliced avocado, or even almond butter. 

Increasing your quality of sleep and rest may help to avoid the need for caffeine as well. Consider our supplement, Relaxium Sleep. This natural, drug-free, non-habit-forming supplement was designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more refreshed and alert.

You do not need the caffeine 

It can be hard to resist. Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop comes out with all of these new flavors that almost taste like ice cream. It can be so tempting but truly you should avoid consuming drinks like this too often. It does nothing for your help and it can result in the opposite effect you desire. 

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 



