The Negative Effects of Alcohol Before Sleep

by Jan 11, 2023Uncategorized

Jan 11, 2023

One of life’s rights of passage which can lead to frequent consumption of alcohol. Like all things, however, control is important; especially regarding quality sleep. 

The consumption of alcohol is a common occurrence. Most restaurants, stores, or households will contain some type of alcohol. With the consistent convenience of alcohol, it can be tempting to have a drink. By no means should you never drink again, but consider how late it is before bed. 

Background of Alcohol 

The existence of alcohol can be traced back to early civilization. Evidence has been discovered in countries such as Egypt, China, and India. 

The way alcohol has been created in the past was through the use of fermented grain, fruit juice, and honey. Some were even made from distilled rice, that particular method was utilized in India hundreds of years ago. 

Alcohol, years ago was even used for medicinal purposes. A law was passed by the British parliament which made it common to distill grain. The most popular type; Gin. 

As we know, in 1920, the distribution of alcohol was prohibited. This was because alcohol had become a popular product. It was assumed that restricted access to alcohol would help to decrease crime, help social issues and overall improve the health of hygiene levels of Americans. 

This effort was not successful. Americans started to turn to other substances which ultimately led to the defeat of the law. People around the world, especially Americans, continue to enjoy alcohol in many different forms. 

Just because the consumption of alcohol is common, doesn’t mean it can’t take its toll on the body. Especially where sleep is concerned. Allow us to explain.

What effect does alcohol have on sleep?

When a person consumes alcohol, it enters the bloodstream. This travels from the stomach and the small intestine where enzymes located in your liver metabolize what was consumed. It takes time for the body to metabolize anything so unless you’re lucky and you can digest and metabolize faster than others, the alcohol you digest will circulate in your body. 

Considering this, if you drink during the day, your body will metabolize the substance while you are conscious. If you drink at night, especially an excessive amount, your body will have to work twice as hard to digest and metabolize, along with all of the other factors that your body heals during sleep. 

It may be surprising to some how possibly damaging it can be to consume alcohol before sleep. Many people say that alcohol makes them more tired. This can be explained because alcohol has a sedative effect. The issue is that if you believe that drinking will lead to a night of better sleep, a pattern such as this can be very damaging. 

It is very common to feel drowsy and sleepy after a night of drinking. Some will turn to caffeine, which can also affect the body negatively if used too often. 

Possibility of Insomnia

Besides the risk of an addiction to alcohol when it is consumed on a regular basis; Insomnia is the biggest risk factor that can come from consuming alcohol before bed. 

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person will struggle to fall asleep, and if woken, to fall back asleep. Not only does it affect your sleep habits and relaxation, but it also affects energy. Often a person with insomnia will wake up to start the day and continue to feel tired. In turn, this lack of natural sleep starts to affect their daily schedule and livelihood. 

Due to the fact that your liver has to metabolize this alcohol during the night, the blood alcohol levels in your body decrease. This can lead to sleep disruptions and a decrease in the quality of sleep.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that many people around the world suffer from. Some symptoms of insomnia include: 

  • Trouble falling asleep at night 
  • Difficulty with the continuation of deep sleep during the night 
  • Irritability 
  • Difficulty keeping up with tasks and paying attention 
  • Waking up too early 
  • Drowsiness during the day
  • Waking up feeling unrelaxed 
  • Mood swings

With this in mind, you may want to consider the amount of alcohol consumed at night. It can be tempting to end the night with a drink or get one more round before leaving the bar but is it worth it? 

Risk of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where breathing is consistently affected. The act of breathing is continuously starting and then pausing. 

Symptoms include:

  • Headaches in the morning
  • Irritability 
  • Loud snoring
  • Gasping for air while sleeping
  • Trouble staying awake
  • Excessive daytime drowsiness
  • Trouble paying attention

There are three types of sleep apnea:

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): Throat muscles relax which blocks the entrance of air to the lungs.
  2. Central sleep apnea (CSA): The brain fails to send signals to muscles which affect the control of breathing.
  3. Treatment-emergent central sleep apnea: When a person who has OSA converts to CSA when undergoing help for OSA. 

All kinds of sleep disorders are difficult to go through. The importance of quality sleep is so crucial for the human body. It is what helps us recover and recharge from the day. 

What can I do?

The biggest thing is avoiding consumption at night close to bed. Alcohol does affect each person differently which makes some think that they can never be affected but that is not always true. Any age or gender can suffer from the sleep disorders listed above. Having the control of avoiding that last drink close to bed will help to prevent yourself from the higher risk of disturbed sleep. 

If you need assistance falling asleep, ignore the bottle and consider a sleeping supplement. Relaxium Sleep provides a non-habit-forming, drug-free supplement that aids in the quality of sleep one needs. Relaxium sleep helps users to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed and alert. 

Alcohol can lead to some fun times, as we stated before by no means do you have to cut it out of your life completely. All we ask is you consider avoiding the consumption of it before it’s time to hit the hay! We guarantee you will wake up feeling much more refreshed, and hangover free. 

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
