All About: Dr. Eric Ciliberti

by Dec 17, 2022Uncategorized

Dec 17, 2022

It sounds obvious, but understanding the mind of the developer of a supplement is crucial. Reputation and background are what separate the professionals from the frauds.

Let’s start from the beginning

Dr. Eric Ciliberti is the M.D., and the Developer of RELAXIUM®. Before he became an expert on sleep, he was a college student receiving his bachelor’s in Psychology at Emory University. He then pursued his master’s where he received a degree in Physiology from Georgetown University and earned a Doctor of Medicine from Tulane University. Dr. Ciliberti completed his residency training in Ophthalmology at the Tulane University Dept of Ophthalmology and Neurology residency training at the well-known Cleveland Clinic. 

Dr. Ciliberti served in the United States Air Force. For 5 years he volunteered as a physician serving the Veterans Administration. He has received numerous awards, including the Outstanding Young Men of America and the James H. Allen Award. 

What does this mean? 

For those that are not aware, the impersonation of a doctor is more common of a problem than you might think. Far too often people will try to insist on their certifications and reasons why they should be trusted by the public. 

Becoming a doctor is no easy task. 10 to 14 years on average is the typical length of schooling required of those who want to pursue the career. Based on Dr. Cilibertis’ number of degrees and documented training, he certainly has fulfilled the necessary qualifications. 

Dr. Eric Ciliberti is a board-certified physician specializing in Neurology. He has almost 30 years of experience in the medical field. He is an active member of the American Academy of Neurology, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and is the founder of the American Behavioral Research Institute. 

He is only one of two full-time private practice Neuro-ophthalmologists in South Florida. He is the only one with dual residency training in both Ophthalmology and Neurology. 

What does it take to be a “good” doctor

In the most basic sense; be able to understand and identify your problem, and from there have the intellect to help try to solve the problem. 

In the case of Relaxium, sleeping disorders have been an issue for people across the planet. The need for supplements that truly work was in demand. With the background in the medical field that Dr. Ciliberti possesses, this was a challenge that he knew he could tackle. All ingredients in each Relaxium product have been extensively researched and tested for the best possible outcome. In this case, sleep, relaxation and even immunity.

Dr. Ciliberti is most recognized for his extensive research and achievements in product development in Nutraceutical Science. It was a decade ago when Dr. Ciliberti founded RELAXIUM®. This was achieved through a research-driven leading Nutraceutical brand which was then backed by numerous clinical studies. These studies offered non-habit-forming natural supplements that have become a revolutionizing change for natural sleep aid and mood support. 

If you want to create a product, be able to back it up with science

All Relaxium products utilize custom formulations of natural herbs and drug-free ingredients. A combination of remedies that are purposed to promote relaxation and mitigate the harmful effects of stress on the body was created to help restore the body’s natural sleep cycle. 

These ingredients include: 

  • Ashwagandha: A powerful adaptogen that has played an important role in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and is often overlooked as a natural sleep aid. Adaptogens are herbs that help increase the body’s resistance to stress and bring the body back into balance once it has been stressed, which is critical to restoring healthy sleep patterns.
  • Magnesium: Replenishing the body’s stores of this essential mineral confers profound physical relaxation benefits. Magnesium helps to regulate lactic acid levels, which may increase muscle tension, anxiety and irritability if they are too high. Most people are actually deficient in magnesium and may experience difficulty sleeping as a result.
  • L – Tryptophan: The two main biomolecules that are involved in the production of normal sleep—the neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin—are both naturally made from tryptophan in the body. That makes L-Tryptophan tremendously valuable in promoting restful sleep.
  • Melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces every night when it is time to go to sleep. It helps to facilitate the transition between wake and sleep.20 What many people do not know about melatonin is that it is also one of your body’s most potent antioxidants and has been associated with slowing the aging process.
  • GABA: Gamma Amino Butyric Acid is a neurotransmitter that relieves anxiety, helps you get good sleep, relax, and wind down. A placebo-controlled clinical trial confirmed that GABA has an effect of improving quality of sleep, easing stress, and increasing duration of uninterrupted sleep. An added benefit, GABA appears to help keep cortisol at a lower level. This is great news for the weight conscious.
  • Valerian, Hops, Chamomile and Passionflower: Western herbalists have relied on these four sleep and relaxation-inducing herbs for hundreds of years. Each one contains unique phytochemicals that help to regulate neurotransmitters, soothe nerves, calm the mind, and promote deep, restful sleep.

The single-ingredient sleep supplements that are often seen and easily accessible in stores are ones that contain sub-par quality ingredients and recommend a dosage too low for significant impact.

Bringing it all together

It is no simple task to create a product and receive such positive feedback. Having the credibility that Dr. Ciliberti possesses is what has pushed forth the success of Relaxium as a product. The health and well-being of our customers are always at the top of our list. The goal has and always will be to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed and focused. 

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
