5 Points That Will Help Cure Your After-the-Holidays Depression

by Jan 7, 2023Uncategorized

Jan 7, 2023

It is normal to feel a sense of happiness and excitement when the holidays come around. After a long and stressful year, everyone gets the opportunity to sit back and relax with family and friends. But once all the holidays are over, it’s back to the drawing board. 

The first thing to understand is that many people feel the same way you do. Stores, cities, and houses start taking the lights down, bringing the gloomy atmosphere of the winter back. There are fewer parties to attend, and not as many reasons to gather together. Some feel the need to be present among others. It is understandable, but let’s try to look at the bright side.

#1 Less financial stress

Similarly to a point we touched on in a previous blog, the holidays consistently empty wallets every year. With the average prices of a Christmas dinner rising each year alone, consider the additional amount of money spent on presents. Add this to the amount spent traveling to get said presents, or even traveling to relatives or friends. 

Think about the spike in electricity bills due to all the lights and decorations. All the extra wrapping paper and bows can be put in the closet for next year. Fighting through stores on Black Friday, or searching for all the deals online is no longer necessary. You can finally take that well deserved break. Now there is less of an expectation to have everything in order. 

While the removal of decorations can be gloomy, it is a part of the holiday season. At some point it has to end. After all, if everyday was a holiday, it wouldn’t feel so special after a while. 

#2 More time for your important everyday activities

Usually around the holiday season work starts to become much more stressful. For many jobs that take up most of the day, it can be hard to figure out time to dedicate to yourself. Prior to the holidays starting, you were able to do what you needed when you needed to do it. Focusing on projects at work or getting some me time is much more optimal when you don’t have to worry about the stress of the holidays. 

Late holiday parties are very popular and the same can be said for all of the holiday themed activity pop ups. Again, while these can be a blast, they can be stressful as far as planning and setting aside enough time. 

A moment alone can make a huge difference when you’re constantly having to be around others. Take advantage of this time before the next celebrated and expectations filled holiday comes around. 

#3 Working on getting back into a good sleeping schedule!

Our main focus, why we do what we do. Sleep is crucial and it can be easy to neglect it around the holidays. If your job allows you that couple of days off and you choose to stay up all night drinking eggnog or watching movies, that will affect your next day. 

Buying and wrapping all of your presents takes up time that could have been used towards relaxation. Same thing with those parties we keep talking about! If you’re going to all these holiday parties after work it can be hard to leave the event early just to prioritize sleeping. 

#4 New year resolutions can take full effect

Make one of those resolutions to make a better sleep schedule for yourself. You will feel much more refreshed and prepared for the coming new year! 

You can start to achieve this by taking different measures, for example, our sleep supplement, Relaxium Sleep. This supplement will help the process of falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer, and then waking up feeling refreshed and more alert. 

Besides this very important resolution, coming up with and achieving your resolutions is also an exciting thing to consider after the holidays are finished. Resolutions can be used as motivators to continue to better yourself. Every year we change and come to realizations about things we may want to be different. Allow some time to reflect on what you really need this coming year, you will not regret it! 

#5 Expectations aren’t nearly as high now!

What we mean by this is that when the holiday season ends you no longer need to put on any sort of fronts. There is no need to constantly appear jolly or cheery if you do not truly feel that way. If you hate any particular colors like (red and green), this is especially good for you. 

You no longer need to find the perfect gift or host the perfect party. Like we mentioned before, this can be a time of relaxation and reflection. If you don’t necessarily enjoy seeing your entire family more than once a week, take advantage of this time until next year! Everyone needs their time. There is no pressure at this point. 

Prepare yourself for the next year 

By no means do we want to put a damper on the holidays. There are many amazing things that come from them. With that said though many things can be stressful, which can affect you both mentally and physically. Truly if everyday was a holiday, all of its purpose would be lost. 

So while the coming year may seem to be a tad boring, with a few “holidays” in the coming months to keep things interesting, just be grateful for some time to breathe. If this is a time where you feel sadness because the joy of the holidays are diminished, truly you are not alone, but take some time to consider all the points we discussed here. The next holiday season will be here before you know it!

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.