Aging and Its Effect On Sleep Quality

by Apr 19, 2023Sleep Tips, Wellness

Apr 19, 2023

Many factors become more difficult with age. One, in particular, is sleep. Here we will provide you with some tips on how to get an adequate amount of sleep as you age. 

Sleep is a luxury that all ages, but especially older people struggle to attain. This is due to a number of reasons. Some of these include:

  • Change in sleeping patterns: When aging, changes in sleep patterns can occur. It is more common to receive more light sleep rather than deep sleep as you age. This can lead to an increase in small disturbances that result in waking up during sleep more frequently. 
  • Changes in circadian rhythm: As we age, our bodies don’t produce as much melatonin. A lack of melatonin makes falling asleep much more difficult. 
  • Increase medical conditions: Medical conditions tend to arise as we age. Conditions such as chronic pains, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, and more. All can make falling asleep and staying asleep much more difficult. 
  • Medications: As we age it is more common that medication is consumed. Some medications can result in a disturbance in the sleep schedule or an increase in the chance of a sleep disorder. 
  • Change in lifestyle: Exercise and movement can become more difficult as we age. Less activity means less energy burned which contributes to the struggle for sleep. 
  • Psychological factors: Mental conditions such as anxiety or depression can be more common as we age; this sort of stress can lead to disrupted sleep.  

Knowing this consistent struggle, Clinical Neurologist and sleep expert Dr. Eric Ciliberti developed a supplement that is both safe and effective for sleep. Relaxium Sleep is a supplement designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and have you waking up feeling refreshed and alert. 


Some of the most common sleep disorders of older adults

It is important to note that there are a number of reasons why a sleeping disorder can develop. 

  • Stress
  • Medications
  • Medical conditions
  • Lifestyle
  • Genetics

Lack of sleep is of course the biggest factor, and all of those listed can lead to disturbed sleep. This can lead to the development of the following sleep disorders:

  • Insomnia: A sleep disorder in which a person finds it difficult to fall asleep, and if awoken, struggles to fall back asleep.
  • Sleep apnea: A sleeping condition where a person’s breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. This can lead to frequent tiredness, poor sleep quality, and daytime fatigue. 
  • Restless Leg Syndrome: A condition where there is an uncomfortable sensation in the legs which leads to enough discomfort that interrupts sleep.
  • Periodic limb movements: A condition where the leg involuntarily moves during sleep. This can cause disruptions that can then affect daytime sleepiness. 
  • REM sleep behavior disorder: A sleep condition where a person can physically act out their dreams during REM Sleep. REM sleep is part of the sleep cycle where you sleep the deepest. This condition can lead to injury as well as disrupted sleep. 

How can older adults make changes to positively affect sleep schedules?

Luckily there are some ways that are known to help improve sleep schedules. If you decide to implement one or more of these tips, sleep may come much simpler. 

  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine:
  • Stick to a regular sleep schedule: 
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol
  • Limit naps
  • Create a comfortable sleep environment 
  • Stay physically active

restless leg syndrome

Create a relaxing bedtime routine

Just as we were once children and needed a routine for sleep, we adults need the same thing. By creating a routine, once completing the tasks, the body will catch on to the signal to fall asleep. 

Different things to do before bed to create a sense of relaxation could be 

  • Listening to calm music
  • Taking a warm bath
  • Reading a book

Stick to a regular sleep schedule

Circadian rhythm is crucial to keep our 24-hour, sleep-wake cycle. When thrown off, sleep schedules and quality of sleep can suffer. 

A way to combat this is to keep to a regular sleep schedule. Try to wake up and fall asleep at the same time every day. Like a routine, the body will adjust and naturally become more tired or prepared to sleep when following a pattern.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed

We have separate blogs describing the negative repercussions of consuming caffeine or alcohol before bed. Substances such as these prohibit sleep quality.

Caffeine is a stimulant. It does not provide relaxation and eventually can lead to crashes. Alcohol, while it is a depressant, too much consumption before bed can lead to disruption during sleep, and fatigue the following day.

Every now and then consumption is not a problem but you should avoid consuming either too close to bedtime. 

Limit daytime naps

Naps are a common thing for those who struggle to get enough sleep. While they can be effective, they should occur as rarely as possible. If unavoidable, they should be short. This is because you can easily fall into a deep sleep; this affects productivity during the day, as well as natural tiredness when it comes time for bed. 

Try to keep the daytime naps to a minimum; around 30 minutes or so. 

Create a comfortable sleep environment

The conditions in which you sleep play a role in duration. If your sleep environment is prone to distractions such as noise or light, there are ways to combat this. 

Blackout curtains or white noise machines can help to keep from light or sound distracting sleep. Implementing proper furniture is also important. Make sure to have a comfortable and supportive mattress and pillows. 

Stay physically active

Light exercise daily does wonders for both health and sleep quality. By burning energy through exercise, sleep is much easier to obtain because the body is worn out. 

There is no need to do major strength training, perform exercises that feel comfortable and effective for your needs. 

relaxium sleep

Conditions that come with age don’t mean poor sleep forever 

The tips provided are all safe and effective ways to begin improving sleep quality. Many things come as we age, and we must be fully rested and healthy to deal with them. 

Relaxium offers a number of safe and effective supplements that aid in the categories of sleep, calm, focus, and immunity. Created by clinical neurologist and sleep expert, Dr. Eric Ciliberti, offers a 30-day Money Back Guarantee trial of Relaxium Sleep to allow our users to truly experience its effects. To try the product today visit our website for more information. 

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
