Managing Unavoidable Relationship Stress

by Feb 10, 2023Uncategorized

Feb 10, 2023

At some point in a relationship, problems and stress will arise. Understanding how to deal with this stress will help to set you apart from the other nightmare couples you see on TV, in movies, or even in real life.

Choosing to be in a relationship means choosing to deal with all the good and bad parts of a person. We all have flaws. Understanding and resolving issues despite our flaws is the goal. If you relate to any of the don’t do information we present to you, consider taking some different approaches.

A good relationship requires hard work

Emotional intimacy, vulnerability, open communication, and compromises are all necessities in a healthy relationship. Achieving all of these things can be very difficult. A level of trust and loyalty is required, and in many cases that can be hard to give out. 

If you have been in prior relationships where your trust and loyalty were cast aside, it can be hard to give it to another person. That is where self-worth and work toward yourself come to play. Truly the cliche, “You can’t love anyone until you learn to love yourself” is true. If you do not have enough respect and love for yourself, you may be more inclined to give into situations where a person takes advantage. 

With this information in mind, we will assume the growth you need has been fulfilled and you’ve found yourself in another relationship. Let’s go through some of the most common stressors couples face and how to grow from them to avoid future stress. 

DO express things that bother you 

Open communication is so crucial in a relationship. If you do not allow your partner to be heard, or vice versa, things can bottle up and turn into something bigger. 

If you start to feel like you cannot talk to your partner about what concerns you, whether you realize it or not you will start to pull away. This can become greatly confusing to your partner considering they were not aware of the effect it had on you. This can simply lead to unnecessary heartbreak. 

It has been known in extreme scenarios that bottling up your emotions can even lead to physical repercussions. Levels of blood pressure and stress built up are not good for your health. 

DO Consider what you say before you say it

Words have power. Especially words coming from the person you love. With this in mind, it is crucial that you consider the weight of the words you speak in anger or frustration. Emotions can have a kind of cloak over logic; a lot of people say things in the moment when they don’t necessarily mean it. 

This is what we recommend. If you know you are about to go into an argument with your partner, take deep breaths. Use the logic of “would I want this to be said to me?” Or, “will they take this the wrong way?” 

In the same respect, understand that you will not always be “right.” Sometimes there isn’t a correct answer per se. If you go into an argument thinking there is no other option but your perspective, then there is no reason to even have the argument. 

Sometimes sleeping on your thoughts may help to come to a more clear decision. If you find yourself struggling to do so after an argument, maybe consider a supplement like Relaxium Sleep. Relaxium sleep is a natural sleep supplement that helps you to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and helps you to wake up feeling more refreshed and alert. Sometimes that may be just what you need to think more clearly!

DO NOT stay on your phone during conversations

Technology has become a major distraction in today’s society. This has affected all kinds of relationships, especially romantic ones. 

At this point, there is a defined word that expresses the distraction that occurs in relationships when there is an overuse of technology; phubbing. A study conducted about phubbing showed results of “impact depression through relationship satisfaction and ultimately life satisfaction.” 

It is best to try to stay off your phones during a conversation with your partner. This will show them that they have your full attention as well as respect. If you do not try to do this, your partner may start to feel rejected, or simply unimportant. 

Consider the relationships that have stuck for decades, ones that existed before the invention of technology. While other components play a role, technology, while helpful, has become a tool that can lead to negative impacts. 

DO NOT use the “silent treatment”

We stated open communication as a pillar for a good relationship. This is especially so when actions such as the “silent treatment” come into play. The silent treatment is when a person will ignore, or avoid responding to their partner. People do this to try to attain a level of power over another person’s emotions. 

This way of thinking is extremely damaging. If you shut a person out of something as basic as communication, no good will come of it. 

Understand that taking time to think is not the same as the silent treatment. Considering what you will say in a moment with high emotions is the responsible thing to do. That angle leads to a conversation. The silent treatment does the opposite. It will also prolong the problem that you are going through as a couple. 

DO establish boundaries

Some overlook this concept, but it is very important. Especially in new relationships, setting boundaries can be what makes or breaks a relationship. 

You are two different people with two different lives. You both have priorities and obligations that fulfill your lives. Setting boundaries helps to let your partner know what you are comfortable with and what makes you the happiest. 

This conversation needs to be had equally among both partners. Even if you do not feel you have boundaries, a discussion may help you to understand more things about yourself. 

The healthiest relationships are those with mutual respect

The longest relationships always fall back on openness and mutual respect. Understanding you both have feelings that need to be taken note of will help to prevent those future pointless arguments. We hope these tips will help you and your partner to navigate the next argument you may run into. 

After all, we prioritize relaxation and it is hard to do that when the person you love is upset.  

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.